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Once upon a time there were 6
three little pigs. 9
One morning the mother said, 14
"You must go out 18
and make your living." 22
So they all set out. 27
The first little pig met a man 34
with some straw. 37
He said, "Please give me some straw, 44
I want to build a house." 50
The man gave the little pig some straw. 58
Then the little pig made a house. 65
Soon an old wolf came along. 71
He knocked at the door and said, 78
"Little pig, little pig, let me come in." 86
The little pig said, 90
"No, no, by the hair 95
of my chinny, chin, chin. 100
I won't let you in." 105
The wolf said, 108
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff, 114
114 and I'll blow your house in." 120
So he huffed and he puffed, 126
and he blew the house in. 132
Then he ate up the little pig. 139