Reading Remedies |
Rhyming Activities |
Choose a word family (-at, -an, -all, -ee, -ay) and come up with words that rhyme with it.
Sing a song. I've Been Working on the Railroad, The Name Game Song, and Down by the Bay are all great for teaching rhyme.
Play a game: This ship is loaded with __________. Say, this ship is loaded with (trees, cats, moms, etc.), pass a ball, and ask child to say, "This ship is loaded with...filling in the name of a word that rhymes with the initial word.
Read a book of nursery rhymes. Books by Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein are also great for teaching rhyme.
Prompt students to think of rhymes by saying, I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with car but starts with /b/, starts with /f/ etc.
Write four words on index cards. Three words should rhyme with each other and one should not. Have child select the one that does not rhyme.
Write individual letters on cards, spell a word, and replace the initial consonant with different letters to make new rhyming words.